
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Desmos Conics projects 2020 with Animation and Short Video Explanations for Students including how to change colors

Well, some good came from 2020 this year, and that is my student Desmos projects. I've posted my students' conics project in 2019 and 2018, but what turned out great this year was that they couldn't be printed, so students actually worked more on discovering animations. Below are some of the best ones. But first the rules...Students must have at least one ellipse, circle, parabola, hyperbola, and another parent function as a minimum. 

What did students learn/solidify? The student was able to:

  • Plan a unique design from start to finish using what they learned about graphs in an Algebra 2 Honors class
  • Predict shapes and locations based on the transformations of the graphs we learned in class
  • Generalize what they have learned about transformations on graphs to what they haven't yet learned, such as y=asinbx + c.
  • Construct pictures by analyzing and synthesizing their own piecewise shapes 
  • Illustrate knowledge of domain and range by limiting their graphs 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of inequalities through shading and domain and range restrictions
For some more than others:
  • Infer from examples of how to apply animation 
  • Explain how to animate and use shading arrangements (see student video links at the end)

Twin artists first drew their concepts and then "desmofied" them. 

The shoes had 199 lines of equations and the skater had 378 lines of equations/points.

Some animations, with the help of Twitter!

This student recreated a painting of a bird that she did. The first picture is the overlay and the second picture is without it. 


Friday, August 7, 2020

How I'm Organizing My Class Notes for Distance Learning

I am just finishing my first year as an Applied Learning Sciences Ed.D. candidate at the University of Miami. For my course, Design for Workplace Related Learning, I designed a 3-day professional development on the transitioning to distance learning, specifically for math teachers entitled Finding the Remote Control in the Math Classroom. After hours of research, getting Google level 2 certification, and meeting with a focus group of math teachers from my school who told me what they needed, I curated three days of professional development on the following objectives (note, if it's in italics, it means it's specific to math teachers):

Math teachers should be able to:

o   In Google Classroom, create a class template, add topics, schedule announcements to be used in the math classroom.

o   Create a Jamboard,  and Padlet assignment for math collaboration

o   Create a math quiz using Google Forms and Equatio to be used on the first day of class for a check for understanding.

o   Use the laptop to type or speak an annotation (using mote) without error.

o   Scan multiple documents and upload them as one PDF to Google Classroom using the Notes App so that homework and quizzes can be uploaded with one document only for ease of math grading.

o   Annotate a “math quiz” using the iPad and Apple pencil and return it to a “student” without error.

o   Upload a video in EdPuzzle and include three questions to check for understanding, incorporating the math feature in at least one.

o   Create a Bitmoji virtual classroom with at least one interactive activity relating to math.

o   Choose one of the building relationship activities from this choiceboard and tailor it specifically to the learner’s own classroom and post it in Google Classroom for the first week of school.

o   Create a digital choice board for students that includes at least four virtual activities in math.

Now, after doing all this research and using an instructional systems design (ISD) approach to create professional development for my teachers, it was time for me to put my money where my mouth is. How was I going to design my notes for my students who are all starting remotely?

In comes Slidesmania. You have to know I've created my notes twice already for just the first day...thinking about how to open, creating a bitmoji classroom to mimic my exact in person classroom, thinking about UDL, meeting with our learning specialist, etc., etc., but these digital notebooks using Google Slides won out anything else I've researched. 

Why? Look how cool it is! 

Also, I've shown my first 24 pages of notes...I can add to them as I want, can give students a PDF version with links and slides hidden that they are not ready for so that they can print or use on Notability, if they have it. 

What are you doing that will make Distance Learning organized for your students? Please share in the comments below!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Unit Circle Projects 2020, Quarantine Edition!

Every year, my students create a unit circle project. It's all described here, in a previous blog post with lots of links to former projects as well. However, this year, due to COVID-19, the rules for the project was not to buy anything for the project itself (i.e., posterboard, markers, etc.), but to ONLY use what you have around the house. The results were amazing. I also normally don't allow baking for the projects, but this year, that was fine...and boy did I get some delicious looking projects! I clearly I have some artistic and creative students!

Here they are:

This student made the pizza from scratch!

The Unit Volcano "China Quarantine Edition" (my student is back in China.)

Disclaimer: The projects below were from first semester and were NOT done during Quarantine...but I was saving these pictures to post all at the same time: 


Which one(s) are your favorite?