Sunday, December 27, 2015

My Log B(log)

I'm starting logs in my Algebra 2 Honors class upon return from winter break. There's been a few great posts that I've found on these blogs from Wendy Menard, Julie Reulbach, and Kate Nowak. They are all fantastic, and I've used much of their ideas in my here's notes, links, etc. for exponentials and logarithms, that could go with any text, though I use Larson Algebra 2 and Trigonometry, 9e. Keep in mind that I teach in 90 minute blocks. Each note packet is for a day, but I haven't used them yet and so some could go over. These are linked to my dropbox, so you will need an account to open them.

--First, I am using this Desmos intro to exponential growth and decay. This is a play on the doubling pennies idea and the m&m's exponential decay problem along with graphs.

Then I will give out these Exponential Notes.

When I find the time, I am going to throw in these two videos:

-- a Ted Ed video on how many folds of paper can get you to the moon

-- a Mythbusters video on paper folding

On Day 2, I will give them these Intro to Logs Notes.
--includes the Need for Logs (click on Wendy's and Julie's link, above)

--includes the fun puzzle from Kate (click on her link, above)

My plan is to use this Kahoot! as a good brain break that day.

On Day 3, I will hand out Laws of Logs Notes (nice way for students to figure out the laws in groups, by Kate.) We have a week of immersion before these notes (and no class), thus the big review in the beginning.

On Day 4, they will get A Huge Review of Logs and Exponents (I haven't checked answers! The last half is a review sheet that I once found, but I don't know where to give the credits to. The latter is for them to do on their own, if they want to)

What did I miss? Please send anything my way :)


Curmudgeon said...

"Be Careful - don't kill a kitten here."
Love it.

Lisa Winer said...

Haha, I forgot I wrote that!! Yes, that's such a good line! And my students know EXACTLY what it means!

Eva E. Murphy said...

Honestly speaking, whenever I see such types of equations, I become totally nervous because I faced many difficulties in math subjects. Therefore, I always used to Buy Coursework Online during my academic life. However, I always urge my brother to be good at math and literally, he is too good. I am also sharing this post with him.